Eruption of the active volcano Tavurvur with ash cloud and rainbow; ash beach and ocean surf in the front; the green cone apex of the Vulcan in the background,  Papua New Guinea, New Britain, South Pacific

Eruption of the active volcano Tavurvur with ash cloud and rainbow; ash beach and ocean surf in the front; the green cone apex of the Vulcan in the background, Papua New Guinea, New Britain, South Pacific

N° de l'image: 71065301
Type de licence: Droits gérés
Photographe: © lookphotos / Martin Siering Photography Portfolio
Date de prise de vue: 19/07/2013
Droits: Cette image est disponible pour un usage exclusif.
Droits de modèle: Non requis
Droits de propriété: Non requis
Taille d’impression : approx. 49,94 × 33,3 cm at 300 dpi
adapté aux formats jusqu'à DIN A3

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Eruption of the active volcano Tavurvur with ash cloud, steaming-hot sulfur springs in the front; green cone of the ''Vulcan'' volcano in the back, Papua New Guinea, New Britain, South Pacific Eruption of the active volcano Tavurvur with ash cloud and rainbow; ash beach and ocean surf in the front; the green cone apex of the Vulcan in the background,  Papua New Guinea, New Britain, South Pacific

Mots clés

Aspect extérieur beauté de la nature ciel ciel bleu Concept de la mer Désert destination de vacances Eau extérieur Général heure du jour image symbole jour journée Marin mer montagne nature nuage nuages océan paysage personne prise de vue en extérieur Série volcan Volcanique voyage Vue d'extérieur

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