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Drombeg stone circle, County Cork, Ireland, Irish Republic
71459729 - Drombeg stone circle, County Cork, Ireland, Irish Republic
Fulacht fiadh water trough and fireplace building at Drombeg stone circle, County Cork, Ireland, Irish Republic
71459728 - Fulacht fiadh water trough and fireplace building at Drombeg stone circle, County Cork, Ireland, Irish Republic
Ireland, County Cork, Drombeg, Drombeg Stone Circle, 5th century
13797474 - Ireland, County Cork, Drombeg, Drombeg Stone Circle, 5th century
Ireland, County Cork, Drombeg, Drombeg Stone Circle, 5th century
71410893 - Ireland, County Cork, Drombeg, Drombeg Stone Circle, 5th century
Ireland, County Cork, Drombeg, Drombeg Stone Circle, 5th century
71410894 - Ireland, County Cork, Drombeg, Drombeg Stone Circle, 5th century