13900210 - The inner corona during the total eclipse of the Sun, November 14, 2012, from a site near Lakeland Downs, Queensland. Shot through the Astro-Physics 105mm Traveler f/5.8 refractor scope, tracked on the AP 400 mount, and with the Canon 60Da. 1/60th sec at ISO 100.13899546 - 9-day-old gibbous Moon, taken April 23, 2010, with Astro-Physics 130mm apo refractor, plus 2x Barlow for f/12 and 1600mm focal length. Canon 7D camera at ISO 100. Seeing poor -- this was the sharpest of the lot.13899361 - Taken with Astro-Physics 4-inch Traveler apo refractor at f/6. With Hutech-modified Canon 5D camera at ISO800 for 7 minutes. Stack of two exposures. Taken from Coonabarabran, NSW, Australia.13898472 - A selfie with me observing the North America Nebula in the fading moonlight (thus the blue sky) on August 8, 2019 from home, using the Astro-Physics Traveler 105mm refractor on the Mach One mount. I was comparing views with various nebula filters this night. So I was actually observing! In this case using the 31mm Nagler eyepiece.13897588 - The first diamond ring during the total eclipse of the Sun, November 14, 2012, from a site near Lakeland Downs, Queensland, Australia. Shot through the Astro-Physics 105mm Traveler f/5.8 refractor scope, tracked on the AP 400 mount, and with the Canon 60Da. 1/1000th sec at ISO 100.13900508 - M8 Lagoon Nebula and M20 Trifid Nebula, with Astro-Physics Traveler 4-inch apo refractor at f/6 with Canon 5D camera, for 7 minutes each at ISO800. Stack of four exposures. Taken from Coonabarabran, NSW, Australia, July 2006. Slight trailing and soft focus.13899013 - The Tarantula Nebula area, NGC 2070, of the Large Magellanic CLoud, LMC. Numerous other nebulas and clusters in this field! This is a stack of 5 x 12 minute exposures at ISO 640 with the Canon 5D MkII and 105mm Astro-Physics Traveler at f/5.6 with 6x7 field flattener. Shot December 10, 2012 from Timor Cottage at Coonabarabran, Australia13898007 - Waning Moon series, Aug 2005. Canon 20Da, with Astro-Physics 5-inch refractor and 2x barlow at f/12. Taken from RAW frames, plus Noise Ninja applied.13998662 - A selfie of me observing Mars,the bright reddish star at top,from home on January 4,2023,with Mars then still bright a month after opposition. The waxing gibbous Moon is the bright object at left. The Pleiades are above Mars; the Hyades and Aldebaran are below Mars. Orion and Sirius are rising in the background below. The telescope is the Starfield Optics Gear115 on the Astro-Physics Mach1 mount.13899534 - Me aiming the A&M 80mm refractor on the Astro-Tech Voyager mount at the Milky Way with its laser pointer finder showing the way. I am aiming at M11 in Scutum.13899185 - M33, the Triangulum Spiral, a dwarf spiral in the Local Group. This is a 6-image stack of 12-minute exposures with the Canon 7D at ISO 800 on the 130mm Astro-Physics apo refractor at f/6 on AP 600E mount and SBIG SG4 autoguider. Poor seeing bloated star images somewhat.13999098 - A selfie of me observing Saturn – the object to the left of the telescope - on August 28,2023,with Saturn near opposition this night,and with the almost Full Moon lighting the sky and ground,but here hidden behind the telescope. I am observing with the 30-year-old (but still superb) Astro-Physics 130EDT refractor on the AP Mach1 mount.13900176 - The Carina Nebula (aka Eta Carinae) in the southern sky, shot December 11, 2012 from Timor Cottage, Coonabarabran, NSW, Australia. This is a stack of 5 x 12 minute exposures at ISO 400 with the Canon 5D MkII (filter modified) and Astro-Physics 105mm Traveler apo refractor and 6x7 field flattener.13899389 - The outer corona during the total eclipse of the Sun, November 14, 2012, from a site near Lakeland Downs, Queensland. Shot through the Astro-Physics 105mm Traveler f/5.8 refractor scope, tracked on the AP 400 mount, and with the Canon 60Da. 1/60th sec at ISO 2000. (Shot as a still frame during Movie mode, so ISO adjusted by camera not shutter speed.)13899313 - Waxing crescent Moon with Earthshine, April 18, 2010. Taken with 5-inch (130mm) Astro-Physics apo refractor and Canon 7D camera, at f/6 and ISO 100. HDR stack of 9 exposures from 6 seconds to 1/40th second at 1-stop intervals. Combined in Photomatix Pro.13899271 - Omega Centauri globular cluster, with Canon 20Da camera with 4-inch Astro-Physics Traveler apo refractor at f/6 for 4 minutes each at ISO800. Stack of 4 exposures, averaged stacked. Plus short 2-minute exposure for core area. Taken from Queensland, Australia, July 2006.13898252 - A session shooting deep-sky objects in the rural backyard in Alberta, on a chilly November night, November 8, 2018. I was using the Celestron 8 HD tube assembly on the Astro-Physics Mach One mount, and was shooting Messier 27 with the Canon 6 D MkII. I shot this image with the Sony a7III and Venus Optics 15mm lens at f/2 focused on the foreground.13898239 - Open cluster pair of NGC 2451 (right), a bright loose cluster, and NGC 2477 (left), a fainter but very rich open cluster. The field is also filled with faint emission nebulosity. Taken from Timor Cottage, Coonabarabran, NSW, Australia, December 12, 2010. This is a stack of 5 x 6 minute exposures at ISO 1600 with Canon 5D MkII camera on 105mm Astro-Physics Traveler apo refractor at f/5.8 with 6x7 field flattener.13898121 - A selfie of me using the Astro-Physics Traveler 105mm apo scope on a night of visual observing logging comments on deep-sky objects for ebook use. The night was hazy and smoky and had more horizon sky glows than usual.13898077 - Messier 81 (the spiral galaxy below) and M82 (the irregular galaxy on top) in Ursa Major. M81 is Bode’s Galaxy, while M82 is the Cigar Galaxy. The galaxy at bottom left is NGC 3077 This is a stack of 10 x 10-minute exposures with the Canon EOS Ra camera at ISO 800 through the Astro-Physics 130mm apo refractor at f/6 with the 6x7 field flattener lens. Taken April 24/25, 2020. North is up in this view.13897672 - The second diamond ring during the total eclipse of the Sun, November 14, 2012, from a site near Lakeland Downs, Queensland, Australia. Shot through the Astro-Physics 105mm Traveler f/5.8 refractor scope, tracked on the AP 400 mount, and with the Canon 60Da. 1/400th sec at ISO 100.70704912 - 9-day-old gibbous Moon, taken April 23, 2010, with Astro-Physics 130mm apo refractor, plus 2x Barlow for f/12 and 1600mm focal length. Canon 7D camera at ISO 100. Seeing poor -- this was the sharpest of the lot.13999700 - This is a portrait of the October 14,2023 annular eclipse of the Sun,captured in a sequence of images taken from the rim of Bryce Canyon,Utah,from sunrise until nearly the end of the eclipse before noon local time.13999674 - This is the gathering on the evening of April 22,2023 of the waxing crescent Moon below Venus and near the Hyades star cluster in Taurus. The dim Earthshine is visible on the dark side of the Moon. High cloud added the natural glows on the Moon and Venus.13999666 - The Full Moon of July 31,2023 rising at the end of a long line of high tension towers across the prairie near Milo,Alberta. Some smoke in the air made the rising Moon even redder than normal,making it look like an eclipsed Moon. This night the alignment of the rising point of the Full Moon coincided with the angle of the powerlines off to the southeast at 135° azimuth.13999662 - Colourful auroral curtains exhibiting very fine vertical structures and rays,and a mix of red and magenta tones as well as the usual oxygen greens. This is looking southeast over the Churchill Rocket Range on a Kp6 night February 26,2023.13999615 - The thin one-day-old crescent Moon just above Jupiter as both set on the evening of March 22,2023. The Earthshine glow is obvious on the dark side of the Moon. The age of the Moon was about 31.5 hours this night at this time and longitude.13999549 - This is the waxing gibbous Moon (11.7 days old) near reddish Mars (above the Moon),and with reddish Aldebaran and the Hyades star cluster below. All are set in a swirl of clouds,looking like they are in an interstellar nebula. Diffraction from ice crystals in the clouds adds the colourful corona around the Moon. This was the Moon-Mars conjunction of January 3,2023. Mars was then about a month past opposition.13999539 - A moonlit scene of the Blakiston Valley in Waterton Lakes National Park,Alberta,May 29,2023. The waxing gibbous Moon is in the frame at top,providing the illumination and lighting Blakiston Creek. Moonlight is the same colour temperature as sunlight,so in a long exposure like this,a scene looks like daylight.13999527 - This is a panorama of the ground and sky framing the badlands of Dinosaur Provincial Park,in the Red Deer River valley in Alberta,with the summer sky above filled with three dozen meteors from the annual Perseid meteor shower,of August 12,2023. The meteors all appear to be streaking away from the radiant point in Perseus at far left. The location is the upper viewpoint near the Park Entrance,and looking northeast to southeast. The lights in the valley below are from the campground and service centre. The one glaring sodium vapour light should be removed or at least shielded. The brightest hori13999526 - The setting Sun descending into a fog bank on a rural highway looking due west,on the evening of the vernal equinox,March 20,2023. So the Sun is setting due west. The fog dims and reddens the Sun,illustrating atmospheric absorption. This was on Highway 561 in southern Alberta.13999490 - The all-sky aurora of May 5,2023,with rays converging at the magnetic zenith. Light from the Full Moon provides the illumination. The Big Dipper is above centre.13999468 - A colourful display of aurora on March 23,2023 during the great equinox show that night. This is looking northwest toward the Big Dipper and Little Dipper with Polaris,and with nice green and magenta curtains. The dark streak is an aircraft contrail seen in silhouette in front of the Lights.13999415 - Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) passing Mars in the constellation of Taurus on the night of Feb 10,2023. Mars appears to be at the tip of a dark lane of interstellar dust in the Taurus Dark Clouds. The comet is showing its whitish dust tail and blue ion tail,as well as its cyan coma from diatomic carbon emission. The star cluster at left is NGC 1746.13999315 - Comet Nishimura (C/2023 P1),at left,captured at dawn on September 7,2023 with the sky beginning to brighten with morning twilight colours. Plus the last quarter Moon was lighting the sky and landscape with moonlight. The comet appears with Venus,at right,beginning its morning sky appearance for 2023/24. In addition,the star cluster Messier 44,the Beehive,is at top right. The smaller Messier 67 star cluster is just above Venus.13999262 - A 150° panorama of the aurora appearing in deep twilight on a Kp6 night on February 26,2023 from the second floor observing deck at the Churchill Northern Studies Centre,Churchill,Manitoba,at 58° N.13999237 - This is a framing of the rich starfield in northern Sagittarius to southern Serpens that contains the bright Messier 24 star cloud at bottom (aka the Small Sagittarius Starcloud),the emission nebula Messier 17 aka the Swan or Omega Nebula at centre,and Messier 16 or Eagle Nebula at top.13999168 - The rising Full Moon of May 5,2023,coming up over the Red Deer River near East Coulee,Alberta. The Moon is illuminating the water with a fine golden glitter path.13999156 - A 220° panorama of a colourful aurora on a Kp6 night on February 26,2023,from the Churchill Northern Studies Centre,Churchill,Manitoba,at 58° N. This is mostly looking south over the old Rocket Range,with the waxing Moon prominent at right in Taurus near the Pleiades and above Orion. Moonlight illuminates the foreground.13999116 - This is a 270° panorama of the auroral arc seen across the northern sky on January 14,2023. It is framed between the setting summer Milky Way (at left in the northwest) and the rising winter Milky Way (at right in the southeast).13999058 - A portrait of the Eagle (top) and Swan Nebulas,aka Messier 16 and Messier 17,on the border of Sagittarius and Serpens. M16 contains the famous "Pillars of Creation."13999043 - The dusty blue reflection nebulas Messier 78 (bottom) and NGC 2071 (top) in Orion near the red arc of Barnard's Loop at left. A fan-shaped reflection nebula above NGC 2071 is not identified on any charts I had. Dark dust lanes run through the region and colour the sky brown. The tiny variable nebula known as McNeil's Nebula is below M78. Remarkably,some small 16th magnitude galaxies in the PGC catalog are recorded amid the dust at upper right in the frame.13998842 - A porttait of the constellation of Corona Borealis,the Northern Crown,in the northern spring sky. The brightest star is Alphecca. The frame contains the yellow supergiant and variable star R Coronae Borealis,aka Variabilis Coronae,below centre.13998840 - Comet Nishimura (C/2023 P1) captured about 25 minutes after rising in the pre-dawn sky on September 10,2023 with the sky bright with morning twilight colours. The comet was only about 4º above the horizon at this time. This was about 5:25 am MDT.13998834 - Auroral streamers or rays rather than curtains as part of the pulsating phase of the great equinox display of Northern Lights on March 23,2023. The rays have a strong vertical structure from precipitating electrons but were pulsing off and on rather than rippling. While the predominent colour is green,there is a lot of red and magenta mixed in. The rays appear to be converging up toward the magnetic zenith. This is looking south. Orion is at right.13998813 - A rich starfield in the constellation of Vulpecula the Fox,in the Milky Way,with a mix of nebulosity. At bottom is the Coathanger asterism of stars,aka Collinder 399,or Brocchi's Cluster. At top left is the emission nebula NGC 6820. Other dark nebulas from the Lynds Dark Nebula catalogue populate the field. The blue glow above the Coathanger is reflection nebulosity which does not appear to have a catlogue number. A small reflection nebula around the blue stars at right is van den Burgh 126. The small round red emission nebula at lower left is Sharpless 2-82. The yellow star at top right is An13998776 - A view of the great April aurora show of April 23,2023,looking to the south,with multiple curtains across the sky forming parallel ribbons from east to west at the zenith. Taken from home in southern Alberta,Canada. Dark clouds appear in silhouette in front of the higher aurora.13998752 - Auroral curtains converging overhead,with the Big Dipper and Ursa Major at centre. This was February 25,2023 from the observing deck at the Churchill Northern Studies Centre,Churchill,Manitoba.13998701 - This framing of the Milky Way in central Cygnus contains a rich assortment of types of nebulas:13998611 - This is a framing of an array of emission nebulas in Cygnus: the bright North America Nebula (NGC 7000) at right,and to the right of it,the Pelican Nebula (IC 5067/8). Those bright nebulas are set amid a complex of fainter nebulosity,notably the Clamshell Nebula at left,as it has become known recently,and catalogued as Sharpless 2-119. At bottom right is the curving Cygnus Arc,aka IC 5068. The small star cluster NGC 7044 is below the Clamshell.13998596 - The infamous "Green" Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) passing by reddish Mars with both in the constellation of Taurus on the night of Feb 11,2023. The comet was 2° south of Mars this night. Mars was embedded in some of the dark obscuring dust clouds in Taurus,creating the dark patchy appearance to the background sky. The comet's coma glows cyan due to emission from diatomic carbon molecules,a common trait of comets. The dust tail and faint ion tail are just visible.13998583 - A framing of some of the star clusters and nebulas in western Gemini and northern Orion,taken on a partly hazy night adding the star glows to accentutate their colours.13998578 - A nearly semi-circular rainbow that appeared briefly right at sunset so the warm lighting made the rainbow appear more red than usual and set amid red clouds,brighter within the rainbow than outside the bow.13998564 - Auroral streamers or rays rather than classic curtains as part of the pulsating phase of the great equinox display of Northern Lights on March 23,2023. The rays have a strong vertical structure from precipitating electrons but were pulsing off and on rather than rippling. While the predominent colour is green,there is a lot of red and magenta mixed in. The rays are converging upward to the magnetic zenith. This is looking northwest over my house. A short exposure froze the motion and pulsations to better record the structure. Cassiopeia is at centre. The Pleiades are at left.13998423 - A self-portrait of me observing the total eclipse of the Moon on November 8,2022,on a very cold (-25° C) morning at 4 am. Above the red Moon are the stars of Taurus including the Hyades and Pleiades star clusters.13998405 - A view of the great April aurora show of April 23,2023,looking to the east,with a pair of diverging curtains with magenta tops. Taken late in the display from home in southern Alberta,Canada.13998327 - A 360° panorama of the great equinox aurora of March 23,2023,with the aurora already bright as the sky darkened at twilight. The Kp values peaked at Kp7 this night.13998286 - The conjunction of the waxing crescent Moon with Venus (bright and below) and Mars (dim and to the left) on June 21,2023,summer solstice evening,with the worlds in clouds in the colourful twilight sky. Earthshine is just visible on the dark side of the Moon,despite the obscuring clouds.13900618 - The galactic centre area in Sagittarius (at left) and Scorpius (at right) low in the south on a summer night at Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta. This was June 30/July 1, 2022. Being just 10 days after summer solstice and at latitude +50° North, the sky even to the south still has a blue tint from all-night twilight. I made no attempt to neutralize the sky colouration. In addition, some haze from smoke discoloured the sky and reduced transparency and contrast low in the sky.13900614 - Earthshine lights the “dark side of the Moon” on the waxing crescent Moon of February 27, 2020. Stars surround the Moon in the deep twilight sky. The brightest star is 4.4-magnitude Nu Piscium.13900576 - The unusual STEVE auroral arc across the northern sky at Bow Lake, Banff National Park, Alberta on the night of July 16-17, 2018. The more normal green auroral arc is lower across the northern horizon. But STEVE here appears more pink.13900537 - Cygnus or the Northern Cross is setting amid the pine trees at Athabasca Falls in Jasper National Park, on a late October night. Cepheus is above and the bright star Vega is low and just above the trees. Deneb is at centre, as is the dark nebula Lynds 3, the Funnel Cloud Nebula. Light cloud adds the natural star glows but also discolours the sky near the horizon.13900517 - A complex of halo phenomena on the evening of April 15, 2022, Good Friday of the 2022 Easter weekend, around the almost Full Moon. Ice crystals in the high cloud created the halos and arcs, set in the spring night sky, with the Big Dipper at top, Arcturus to the left, and Regulus and Leo at right. The colours of the arcs and sundogs were just visible to the unaided eye.13900479 - The Coma Berenices star cluster, aka Mel 111, with star glows added from haze in the sky to accentuate the star colours. The edge-on galaxy NGC 4565 (the Needle Galaxy) is at lower left; the spiral galaxy NGC 4559 is at upper left. Several other smaller NGC galaxies are in the field, which is similar to the field of view of binoculars.13900448 - A 360° panorama of the winter sky over Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta, on February 28, 2017. The Milky Way arches across the sky from south (left) to northeast (right). The Zodiacal Light stretches up from the western horizon at centre. The Gegenschein is faintly visible above the horizon at far left in Leo.13900397 - The fleeting formations of light and shadow called the Lunar X (below centre on the terminator) and the Lunar V (above centre) on the 6-day-old Moon, on March 1, 2020. Can you see them?13900392 - Orion and the Winter Milky Way over the grand old barn near home. Sirius and Canis Major are at left, Aldebaran and Taurus, with the Pleiades at upper right. A glow of Zodiacal Light shines to the west at right.13900381 - A closeup of Sirius in Canis Major, taken in moonlight, with the 130mm f/6 apo refractor.13900286 - Curtains of aurora during an active storm on February 18, 2018 from the Churchill Northern Studies Centre, in the early evening in the last of the twilight. This night the aurora was brightest early in the evening. The Big Dipper is at left.13900278 - The 8-day-old Moon in twilight during a particularly colourful sunset, November 8, 2016 from home. A single exposure through the Explore Scientific FCD100 4-inch apo refractor at f/7 and with the Nikon D750 at ISO 100.13900257 - This is a framing of the rich complex of nebulosity in and around the constellations of northern Cygnus and southern Cepheus, in a blend of "white light" images and images shot through a deep red hydrogen-alpha filter that isolates the red emission line from the gas clouds, bringing them out in much more detail than is otherwise possible.13900215 - The Andromeda Galaxy (aka Messier 31) and the stars of Andromeda rising over moonlit formations at Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta. Illumination is from the waxing gibbous Moon, low in the southwest so it is providing a warm light. This is an example of a "deepscape" - a nightcape with a telephoto lens to also record a deep-sky object in the frame above the horizon. However, moonlight prevents the galaxy from showing up as well as it would in a dark sky.13900177 - An observer with a Dobsonian telescope on the main field at the Saskatchewan Summer Star Party in the dark sky preserve of Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park in late August 2019.13900113 - The rising almost-Full Moon, a “Blue Moon” of July 30, 2015, rising behind a rustic old farmhouse near Bow Island, Alberta. The Moon sits in the pibk Belt of Venus with the blue shadow of the Earth below. This is a single frame from a 600-frame time-lapse sequence, taken with the Canon 6D and 16-35mm lens.13900075 - Circumpolar stars trails over Castle Mountain in Banff, Alberta. Taken July 23, 2010 from Castle Cliffs viewpoint on Bow Valley Parkway. A stack of 160 25-second exposures with Canon 15mm lens at f/4 and Canon 7D camera at ISO 640. Taken over 2 hours. Full Moon light provided the illumination.13900059 - The northern summer Milky Way setting over the mountains of Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta, Canada, with the Space Station rising at right, then fading into sunset, in a trail from the series of long exposures. This is from the Bison Compound viewpoint looking south and southwest, on September 21, 2019, in frames taken as part of a time-lapse.13900034 - A circumpolar star trail stack taken from the Table Mountain Star Party, July 26, 2014, at the Eden Valley Guest Ranch. This is a stack created from 250 frames taken for a time-lapse movie, stacked using Advanced Stacker Actions with "Elastic Stars" effect. Each frame was 45 seconds at f/2.8 with the Rokinon 14mm lens and Canon 6D at ISO 2000.13899999 - The Orion Nebula complex consisting of M42, M43 and the reflection nebula area known as the Running Man Nebula, NGC 1973-5-7. NGC 1981 is the blue star cluster at top north edge. North is up, though in the sky from Australia where this was shot the object appeared upside down compared to this northern-centric view.13899984 - The Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescope in New Mexico, at sunset, March 17, 2013, with the Earth shadow rising at right and the pink Belt of Venus along the eastern horizon. This is a 2-section panorama, hand-held, with the 14mm lens and Canon 60Da camera.13899961 - Composite image digitally created in Photoshop of images taken during October 27, 2004 total lunar eclipse, from Alberta Canada. Images taken through 5-inch apo refractor at f/6 with Canon Digital Rebel camera at ISO 200.13899941 - This is the Milky Way of the autumn season in the Northern Hemisphere, on a late September night, from the very dark site of Red Rock Canyon, in Waterton Lakes National Park, Canada. The scene is a crop from the full 360° rectangular panorama, taken about 11:00 pm. Illumination is solely by starlight. Being autumn, the larches and aspens are in autumn colours. Snow is on Mount Blakiston at left, while the sharp peak at centre is Anderson Peak.13899897 - A sky-covering aurora on March 14, 2018, as seen from the Hurtigruten ship the m/s Nordnorge, as we sailed south toward Tromsø, Norway.13899872 - A group of aurora fans are watching and shooting the Northern Lights at the Churchill Northern Studies Centre in Churchill, Manitoba on February 27, 2022. On this night the most active part of the display was to the west, best seen from out in the parking lot. The stars of Taurus are at left.13899804 - Sundogs and a solar halo around the Sun, December 19, 2013, shot from home with the Canon 60Da and 10-22mm lens. The halo is caused by ice crystals in the air, in this case very nearby as they can be seen as "stars" sparkling in the sunlight in the sky and in the foreground. This is an HDR stack of three exposures at 2/3rds stop intervals, processed thru Photomatix Pro.13899799 - This is a framing of the rich array of nebulas in central Auriga. The complex of star cluster Stock 8 and IC 417 is at upper left. The large nebula at lower centre is IC 410 with the star cluster NGC 1893 embedded in it. The large nebula at right is IC 405, aka the Flaming Star Nebula, with a mix of red emission and blue reflection nebulosity.13899773 - People gaze skywards at the public stargazing session, Milky Way Night, at the Rothney Astrophysical Observatory, operated by the University of Galgary. Roland conducts the laser star tour. This was August 30, 2014. Exposure was 13 - 20 seconds at f/3.2 with the 15mm lens and Canon 6D at ISO 4000.13899769 - VLA radio telescope array, near Socorro, New Mexico.13899728 - A selfie of me observing with the Celestron 15x70 SkyMaster binoculars, in the light of the rising waxing Moon, from home August 20, 2019.13899713 - The array of four planets in the evening twilight on New Year's Eve, Dec. 31, 2021, and on a very chilly night with the temperature at -25° C. Thus the steam from the distant power plant.13899687 - Observers on the main field at the Saskatchewan Summer Star Party in the dark sky preserve of Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park in late August 2019 in the deep twilight.13899628 - Exiting the narrow Trollfjord by searchlight and under moonlight, on the northbound voyage of the Hurtigruten ferry ship the ms Trollfjord, on October 15, 2019. Capella is at top; Betelgeuse and Orion are rising at centre at the mouth of the fjord; Aldebaran is partly in cloud left of the Moon.13899624 - A superb display of aurora borealis seen on March 14, 2016 when it reached Level 5 storm levels. Here it begins in the evening twilight and in the light of the 6-day-old Moon. Jupiter is at right. This view is looking east.13899619 - A pass of the International Space Station with Canadian astronaut David St. Jacques on board, on the evening of January 26, 2019. I started the sequence just before 7 pm MST. The ISS is moving from right to left, southwest to southeast.13899593 - This is a framing of the rich array of nebulas in central Auriga. The complex of star cluster Stock 8 and IC 417 is at upper left. The large nebula at lower centre is IC 410 with the star cluster NGC 1893 embedded in it. The large nebula at right is IC 405, aka the Flaming Star Nebula, with a mix of red emission and blue reflection nebulosity.13899576 - The galactic core area of the Milky Way over Maskinonge Pond in Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta. Jupiter is the bright object at left, with Saturn dimmer to the left (east) of Jupiter. In the summer of 2020 the two planets were close together in the summer sky. Jupiter provides the glitter path on the water. Antares and Scorpius are to the right. Sagittarius is at centre. This was July 13-14, 2020.13899552 - A framing of the major areas of bright and dark nebulosity in Cygnus and Cepheus, showing pink emission nebulas contrasting with dark dusty regions in the Cygnus and into the Perseus arms of the Milky Way. Cepheus is at upper left; northern Cygnus is at right, with the bright Cygnus starcloud right of centre. The reddening (or yellowing) effects of interstellar dust in the spiral arms of the Milky Way is apparent.13899539 - The Big Dipper and Ursa Major over moonlit formations at Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta. Illumination is from the waxing gibbous Moon, setting in the southwest so it is providing a warm "bronze-hour" light.13899515 - A sky-covering aurora on March 14, 2018, as seen from the Hurtigruten ship the m/s Nordnorge, as we sailed south toward Tromsø, Norway.13899470 - Orion setting in March over Mt Temple near Lake Louise in Banff National Park, Alberta.next page