Lembeh Bilder – Reise-Fotos kaufen ❘ lookphotos
70303473 - Schneeflocken-Kardinalfisch, Pterapogon kauderni, Lembeh Strait, Nord Sulawesi, Indonesien
70303472 - Clarks Anemonenfisch in Blasen-Anemone, Amphiprion clarkii, Entacmaea quadricolor, Lembeh Strait, Nord Sulawesi, Indonesien
70303474 - Wunderpus Oktopus, Wunderpus photogenicus, Lembeh Strait, Nord Sulawesi, Indonesien
70303471 - Zwergfeuerfisch rastet in Muschel, Dendrochirus sp., Lembeh Strait, Nord Sulawesi, Indonesien
70303468 - Mimikry Oktopus, Thaumoctopus mimicus, Lembeh Strait, Nord Sulawesi, Indonesien
70303466 - Blick von Lembeh Strait Resort, Nord Sulawesi, Indonesien
70303462 - Fischer auf der Lembeh Strait, Nord Sulawesi, Indonesien
70303470 - Sepie tarnt sich im Sand, Sepia sp., Lembeh Strait, Nord Sulawesi, Indonesien
70303469 - Seeigel-Krabbe mit Diadem-Seeigel, Dorripe frascone, Astropyga radiata, Lembeh Strait, Nord Sulawesi, Indonesien
70303465 - Lembeh Strait Resort, Nord Sulawesi, Indonesien
70303467 - Impressionen der Lembeh Strait, Lembeh Strait, Nord Sulawesi, Indonesien
70303464 - Lembeh Strait Resort, Nord Sulawesi, Indonesien
70303463 - Lembeh Strait Resort, Nord Sulawesi, Indonesien
13821367 - Taucher und Potho-Wrack in Numana, der italienischen Lembeh
13821374 - Fangzahnmuräne in Numana, dem italienischen Lembeh
13776348 - Ein genauer Blick auf das Gesicht eines Schwarzfleck-Kugelfischs (Arothron nigropunctatus); Yap, Föderierte Staaten von Mikronesien
71228901 - Pajama Cardinalfish (Sphaeramia nematoptera) adult, swimming over reef, Lembeh Straits, Sulawesi, Sunda Islands, Indonesia, June
70586705 - Snowflake Cardinalfish, Pterapogon kauderni, Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
70586689 - Impressions of Lembeh Strait, Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
70283229 - Spearer mantis shrimp (Lysiosquilloides maculata). Lembeh Strait, Celebes Sea, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
70283226 - Pfeffer´s flamboyant cuttlefish (Metasepia pfefferi). Lembeh Strait, Celebes Sea, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
71228902 - Longjaw Triplefin (Ucla xenogrammus) adult, close-up of head, resting on coral, Lembeh Straits, Sulawesi, Sunda Islands, Indonesia, September
70586697 - Porcelain Crab, Neopetrolisthes maculatus, Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
70283228 - Peacock mantis shrimp (Odontodactlus scyllarus). Lembeh Strait, Celebes Sea, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
71228906 - Black-saddled Pufferfish (Canthigaster valentini) adult, resting on coral at night, Lembeh Straits, Sulawesi, Sunda Islands, Indonesia, January
71103643 - Unusual Hairy Frogfish mouth stretches at TK2 divesite, Lembeh Strait.
70283233 - Nudibranch (Glossodoris cincta). Lembeh Strait, Celebes Sea, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
71228678 - Pygmy Seahorse (Hippocampus bargibanti) camouflaged in coral reef, Lembeh Strait, Sulawesi, Indonesia
70283231 - Broadclub Cuttlefish (Sepia latimanus) laying eggs in coral. Lembeh Strait, Celebes Sea, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
70283225 - Whitemargin Stargazer (Uranoscopus sulphureus). Lembeh Strait, Celebes Sea, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
70283224 - Whitemargin Stargazer (Uranoscopus sulphureus). Lembeh Strait, Celebes Sea, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
71228677 - Mantis Shrimp (Odontodactylidae) carrying eggs, Lembeh Strait, Indonesia
70283227 - Peacock mantis shrimp (Odontodactlus scyllarus). Lembeh Strait, Celebes Sea, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.