71390038 - Trdelink traditionelles Gepäck, wird auf Stöcken über offenes Feuer gebacken, Prag, Tschechien14397491 - Brot teilen für die Fastenzeit, die am Aschermittwoch beginnt und am Gründonnerstagabend endet, Frankreich70434087 - FRANCE, Montigny-les-Arsures, Arbois, looking inside a wine barrel at the layer of yeast that covers Vin Jaune, Jura Wine Region, Vin Jaune71103423 - Basic Dough for pizza made with tomatoes, chives and mozzarella.70336899 - Germination of yeast cells Saccharomyces cerevisiae70336794 - Baker's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ascomycetes Fungus70336898 - Candida albicans fungus70508501 - Young women drinking beer at sidewalk cafe, cropped70506372 - Steamed razor clams70506367 - Steamed razor clams, glass of beer71151269 - Sciatt ready and consists of preparation, Lombardy, Italy, Europe71151270 - The chef is ready to cook Sciatt, Lombardy, Italy, Europe