70031196 - Homeless, living boxes in Tokyo-Shibuya, Japan, Homeless community on a car park roof in Shibuya, woman cooking in her self made shelter, architecture of cardboard boxes, blue fabric sheets Obdachlose, notdürftige Schutzbauten, Pappkarton-Architektur, Pla70036501 - Fabric shop at weavers, Laden für handgewebte Stoffe in der Weberei, Mandalay70031290 - Homeless, living boxes in Tokyo, Japan, Homeless community on the Sumida River banks, self made shelter, blue fabric sheets, clean, tidy huts, shack Obdachlose, notdürftige Schutzbauten, Pappkarton-Architektur, Plastikplanen, Slum, Obdachlosigkeit, Randgr70031204 - Homeless, living boxes in Tokyo-Shibuya, Japan, Homeless community on a car park roof in Shibuya, residents having dinner, self made shelter, architecture of cardboard boxes, plywood, blue fabric sheets Obdachlose, notdürftige Schutzbauten, Pappkarton-Arc70031210 - Homeless, living boxes in Tokyo-Shibuya, Japan, Homeless community on a car park deck in Shibuya, former truck driver reads a paper in his back yard, he lives in a self made shelter, architecture of cardboard boxes, blue fabric sheets and umbrellas Obdach70031201 - Homeless, living boxes in Tokyo-Shibuya, Japan, Homeless boxes in a back lane at the rear of a hotel in Shibuya, the man lives in a self made shelter, architecture of cardboard boxes, blue fabric sheets Obdachlose, notdürftige Schutzbauten, Pappkarton-Arc70031193 - Homeless, living boxes in Tokyo-Shibuya, Japan, Homeless community on a car park roof in Shibuya, building with plywood a self made shelter, neighbourhood help, architecture of cardboard boxes, blue fabric sheets Obdachlose, notdürftige Schutzbauten, Papp70031207 - Homeless, living boxes in Tokyo-Shibuya, Japan, Homeless community on a car park roof in Shibuya, old woman in front of her self made shelter, architecture of cardboard boxes, blue fabric sheets Obdachlose, notdürftige Schutzbauten, Pappkarton-Architektur70031186 - Homeless, living boxes in Tokyo-Shibuya, Japan, Rows of homeless boxes on a car park roof in Shibuya, self made shelter, architecture of cardboard boxes, blue fabric sheets Obdachlose, notdürftige Schutzbauten, Pappkarton-Architektur, Plastikplanen, Slum,70031190 - Homeless, living boxes in Tokyo-Shibuya, Japan, Homeless community on a car park roof in Shibuya, self made shelter, architecture of cardboard boxes, blue fabric sheets and umbrellas Obdachlose, notdürftige Schutzbauten, Pappkarton-Architektur, Plastikpla70118674 - rs, 30-40 years, Adult, Adults, Beach, Beaches, Blonde, Blondes, Carefree, Caucasian, Color, Colour, Contemporary, Daytime, Dress, Dresses, Exterior, Fabric, Fair-haired, Female, Full-body, Full-lengt