14102526 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Liga für Vogelschutz (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Fütterung einer Eule14101642 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Liga für Vogelschutz (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Fütterung eines Schwarzseglers (Apus apus)14101518 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station des Vogelschutzbundes (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Wiegen zweier Jungmöwen14101241 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Vogelschutzliga (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Eingangsuntersuchung einer Jungmöwe14100619 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Liga für Vogelschutz (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Pflege einer Eule14100440 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Insel, Ornithologische Station des Vogelschutzbundes (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Fütterung eines Basstölpels (Morus bassanus)14101722 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Liga für Vogelschutz (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Pflege eines Bussards14101213 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Liga für Vogelschutz (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Fütterung eines Schwarzseglers (Apus apus)14101195 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Vogelschutzliga (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Futterzubereitung für die Vogelrentner14101175 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Liga für Vogelschutz (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Fütterung eines Schwarzseglers (Apus apus)14100587 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Vogelschutzliga (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Eingangsuntersuchung einer Jungmöwe14102294 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Liga für Vogelschutz (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Kasten und Hütten14102212 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Vogelschutzliga (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Pflege einer Eule14101952 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Liga für Vogelschutz (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Enten in einem der beiden Freibäder14101630 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Vogelschutzliga (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Eingangsprüfung einer Jungmöwe14101231 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Vogelschutzliga (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Rekonvaleszenz eines Bussards14100780 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Liga für Vogelschutz (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Pflege eines der kleinsten Bewohner, ein Eisvogel aus Europa (Alcedo atthis)14100731 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Vogelschutzliga (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Eingangsprüfung einer Jungmöwe14100439 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Vogelschutzliga (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Fütterung eines Basstölpels (Morus bassanus)14102430 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Liga für Vogelschutz (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Eingangsuntersuchung einer Jungmöwe14102039 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Liga für Vogelschutz (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Pflege eines der kleinsten Bewohner, ein Eisvogel aus Europa (Alcedo atthis)14101859 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Vogelschutzliga (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Fütterung einer Eule14101818 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Vogelschutzliga (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Eingangsprüfung einer Jungmöwe14101767 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Liga für Vogelschutz (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Kormoran (Phalacrocorax carbo) in Rekonvaleszenz14101654 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Liga für Vogelschutz (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Reinigungsgeräte14101355 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Insel, Ornithologische Station des Vogelschutzbundes (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Eingangsuntersuchung einer Jungmöwe14101288 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Liga für Vogelschutz (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, gewogen beim Schreiben der Eintrittskarte eines Vogels14100689 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Liga für Vogelschutz (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Eingangsuntersuchung einer Jungmöwe14100496 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Vogelschutzliga (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Pflege eines Bussards14101781 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Vogelschutzliga (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Wiegen eines Bussards14101397 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Liga für Vogelschutz (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Eingangsuntersuchung einer Jungmöwe14101354 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Liga für Vogelschutz (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Pflege eines Bussards14101056 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Vogelschutzliga (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Eingangsuntersuchung einer Jungmöwe14100863 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Liga für Vogelschutz (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Fütterung einer Schwalbe14100826 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Vogelschutzliga (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Pflege einer Eule14100650 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Liga für Vogelschutz (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Fütterung eines Schwarzseglers (Apus apus)14100562 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Liga für Vogelschutz (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Fütterung eines Schwarzseglers (Apus apus)14102403 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Liga für Vogelschutz (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Fütterung einer Schwalbe14102314 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Vogelschutzliga (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Fütterung einer Eule14101662 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Liga für Vogelschutz (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Pflege einer Eule14101502 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Liga für Vogelschutz (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Fütterung eines Schwarzseglers (Apus apus)14101471 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Liga für Vogelschutz (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Pflege einer Eule14101279 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Liga für Vogelschutz (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Fütterung einer Schwalbe14101134 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Liga für Vogelschutz (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Fütterung eines Basstölpels (Morus bassanus)14100728 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Vogelschutzliga (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Eingangsuntersuchung einer Jungmöwe14100717 - Frankreich, Cotes d'Armor, Rosa Granitküste, Pleumeur Bodou, Grande Island, Ornithologische Station der Liga für Vogelschutz (LPO), Wildlife Care Center, Pflege einer Eule71102821 - Panorama mit drei Personen auf Skitour im Aufstieg zum Gipfel des Care Alto, Care Alto, Adamellogruppe, Lombardei, Italien71102820 - Panorama mit drei Personen auf Skitour im Abstieg vom Care Alto, Presanella und Adamellogruppe im Hintergrund, Care Alto, Adamellogruppe, Lombardei, Italien70202214 - s, Bare, Beauty, Beauty Care, Carnal, Carnality, Caucasian, Caucasians, Clipping path, Color, Colour, Contemporary, Dark-haired, Fragile, Fragility, Full-body, Full-length, Generation X, Health, Healt70014362 - Mädchen unter der Dusche, Wellness Beauty Body-care70012075 - Knöchel mit Verband, Füsse eines Patienten, Hilfsprojekt 'Portland Medical Care', Jamaika71116383 - Zwei Almgebäude mit Monte Care Alto und Monte Ospedale im Hintergrund, Val Genova, Adamello-Presanella-Gruppe, Trentino, Italien71102852 - Mann auf Skitour steigt über Steilflanke zum Care Alto auf, Care Alto, Adamellogruppe, Lombardei, Italien71102854 - Frau auf Skitour steigt über Grat vom Care Alto ab, Care Alto, Adamellogruppe, Lombardei, Italien71102851 - Frau auf Skitour steigt über Fels- und Eisgrat zum Care Alto auf, Care Alto, Adamellogruppe, Lombardei, Italien71102849 - Frau auf Skitour steigt zum Care Alto auf, Care Alto, Adamellogruppe, Lombardei, Italien70147705 - rs, 30-40 years, Absorbed, Adult, Adults, Beauty, Beauty Care, Brunette, Brunettes, Calm, Calmness, Caucasian, Caucasians, Color, Colour, Contemporary, Dark-haired, Daytime, Female, Generation X, Half71102853 - Drei Personen auf Skitour steigen über Steilflanke zum Care Alto auf, Care Alto, Adamellogruppe, Lombardei, Italien70202212 - s, Arm, Arms, Beauty, Beauty Care, Carnal, Carnality, Caucasian, Caucasians, Color, Colour, Contemporary, Cover, Covering, Dark-haired, Decency, Generation X, Gesture, Gestures, Gesturing, Half-naked70178780 - rs, 30 to 40 years, 30-35 years, 30-40 years, Adult, Adults, Beauty, Beauty Care, Caucasian, Caucasians, Chill out, Chilling out, Color, Colour, Contemporary, Dark-haired, Eye, Eyes, Face, Faces, Faci70178779 - rs, 30 to 40 years, 30-35 years, 30-40 years, Adult, Adults, Back, Backs, Body, Body care, Body part, Body parts, Caucasian, Caucasians, Close up, Close-up, Closeup, Color, Colour, Contemporary, Dark-70178774 - rs, 30-40 years, Ability, Adult, Adults, Beauty, Beauty Care, Body care, Caucasian, Caucasians, Color, Colour, Contemporary, Generation X, Grimace, Grimaces, Human, Hygiene, Indoor, Indoors, Interior70119081 - rs, 30-40 years, Adult, Adults, Affection, Age, Beard, Beards, Bench, Benches, Bond, Bonding, Bonds, Calm, Calmness, Care, Careful, Caucasian, Caucasians, Chill out, Clothes, Color, Colour, Comfort, C70119073 - rs, 30-40 years, Adult, Adults, Age, Amusement, At, Barefeet, Barefoot, Beard, Beards, Bench, Benches, Beverage, Beverages, Bond, Bonding, Bonds, Care, Carefree, Careful, Caucasian, Caucasians, Chill70099499 - rs, 30 to 40 years, 30-35 years, 30-40 years, Adult, Adults, Alone, Beauty, Calm, Care, Caucasian, Caucasians, Close, Color, Colour, Contact, Contemporary, Elegance, Emotion, Emotions, European, Exube70178726 - rs, 30 to 40 years, 30-35 years, 30-40 years, Action, Activity, Adult, Adults, Bathroom, Bathrooms, Beauty, Beauty and health, Beauty Care, Body care, Caucasian, Caucasians, Color, Colour, Contemporar70147535 - rs, 50-60 years, Adult, Adults, Affection, Baby boomer, Baby boomers, Bathe, Bathes, Bathing, Bathing suit, Bathing suits, Bond, Bonding, Bonds, Care, Care take, Care taking, Cares, Caretake, Caretaki70119077 - rs, 30-40 years, Adult, Adults, Affection, Age, Beard, Beards, Bond, Bonding, Bonds, Cake, Cakes, Care, Careful, Caucasian, Caucasians, Clothes, Color, Colour, Comfort, Comfortable, Complicity, Condit70119066 - rs, 30-40 years, Adult, Adults, Age, At, Beard, Beards, Care, Carefree, Careful, Caucasian, Caucasians, Chill, Chillout, Clothes, Color, Colour, Comfort, Comfortable, Complicity, Comunicate, Comunicat70119065 - s, Age, At, Beard, Beards, Care, Carefree, Careful, Caucasian, Caucasians, Chill, Chill out, Chilling out, Chillout, Clothes, Color, Colour, Comfort, Comfortable, Comunicate, Comunicating, Conditional70100181 - Classrooms, Close up, Close-up, Closeup, Color, Colour, Contemporary, Creche, Creches, Day care center, Day care centre, Day nursery, Daycare center, Dining room, Dining rooms, Dining-room, Dining-roo70099508 - rs, 30 to 40 years, 30-35 years, 30-40 years, Adult, Adults, Alone, Attractive, Beauty, Body, Brunette, Brunettes, Calm, Care, Caucasian, Caucasians, Cleavage, Close, Color, Colour, Contact, Contempor70099500 - rs, 30 to 40 years, 30-35 years, 30-40 years, Adult, Adults, Alone, Amusement, At home, Bed, Bedroom, Bedrooms, Beds, Calm, Care, Caucasian, Caucasians, Close, Color, Colour, Contact, Contemporary, El70308641 - 20-25, 20-30, 25-30, Accessory, Adoring, Adult, Affection, Age, American, Anniversary, Apparel, Appendage, Applauding, Arc, Arch, Arm, Barrier, Being, Blooming, Blossom, Blossoming, Bonding, Bouquet, Bridal, Bride, Buddy, Care, Caring, Celebrating, Celebr70178775 - s, Bathrobe, Bathrobes, Beauty, Beauty Care, Caucasian, Caucasians, Color, Colour, Contemporary, Cosmetic, Cosmetics, Dark-haired, Dry, Drying, Facial expression, Facial expressions, Facing camera, Ge70119131 - 25-30 years, 30 to 35 years, 30 to 40 years, 30-35 years, 30-40 years, Adult, Adults, Affection, Babies, Baby, Care, Caucasian, Caucasians, Child, Children, Color, Colour, Contemporary, Education, Fam70119080 - rs, 30-40 years, Adult, Adults, Age, Beard, Beards, Bench, Benches, Bond, Bonding, Bonds, Calm, Calmness, Care, Careful, Caucasian, Caucasians, Chill out, Chilling out, Closed eyes, Clothes, Color, Co70119072 - rs, 30-40 years, Adult, Adults, Affection, Age, Amusement, At, Beard, Beards, Beverage, Beverages, Bond, Bonding, Bonds, Care, Careful, Caucasian, Caucasians, Chill, Chillout, Clothes, Color, Colour71102850 - Frau auf Skitour steigt über Fels- und Eisgrat zum Care Alto auf, Care Alto, Adamellogruppe, Lombardei, Italien70217857 - rs, 30-40 years, Adult, Adults, Beauty, Beauty Care, Caucasian, Caucasians, Close up, Close-up, Closeup, Color, Colour, Conceit, Conceited, Contemporary, Dark-haired, Face, Faces, Facial expression, F70193083 - s, Beauty, Beauty Care, Caucasian, Caucasians, Close up, Close-up, Closeup, Color, Colour, Contemporary, Face, Faces, Facing camera, Generation X, Green eyes, Headshot, Headshots, Heat, Human, Indoor70184894 - rs, 30-40 years, 7 to 12 months, 7-12 months, Adult, Adults, Affection, Babies, Baby, Bare, Bond, Bonding, Bonds, Care, Care take, Care taking, Cares, Caretake, Caretaking, Caring, Caucasian, Caucasia70119150 - 30-40 years, 35 to 40 years, 35-40 years, Adult, Adults, Affection, Affectionate, And, Babies, Baby, Babygirl, Beauty, Bond, Bonding, Care, Caucasian, Caucasians, Child, Children, Chilhood, Color, Col70119132 - 25-30 years, 30 to 35 years, 30 to 40 years, 30-35 years, 30-40 years, Adult, Adults, Affection, Babies, Baby, Care, Caucasian, Caucasians, Child, Children, Color, Colour, Complicity, Contemporary, Ed70119130 - 25-30 years, 30 to 35 years, 30 to 40 years, 30-35 years, 30-40 years, Adult, Adults, Babies, Baby, Care, Caucasian, Caucasians, Child, Children, Color, Colour, Contemporary, Education, Families, Fami70119128 - 25-30 years, 30 to 35 years, 30 to 40 years, 30-35 years, 30-40 years, Adult, Adults, Babies, Baby, Care, Caucasian, Caucasians, Child, Children, Color, Colour, Contemporary, Education, Exercise, Exer70119127 - 25-30 years, 30 to 35 years, 30 to 40 years, 30-35 years, 30-40 years, Adult, Adults, Babies, Baby, Care, Caucasian, Caucasians, Child, Children, Color, Colour, Contemporary, Education, Exercise, Exer70119079 - rs, 30-40 years, Adult, Adults, Age, Barefeet, Barefoot, Beard, Beards, Bond, Bonding, Bonds, Calm, Calmness, Care, Careful, Caucasian, Caucasians, Chill out, Chilling out, Clothes, Color, Colour, Com70119078 - rs, 30-40 years, Adult, Adults, Affection, Age, Beard, Beards, Bond, Bonding, Bonds, Care, Careful, Caucasian, Caucasians, Close up, Close-up, Closeup, Clothes, Color, Colour, Comfort, Comfortable, Co70119074 - rs, 30-40 years, Absorbed, Adult, Adults, Age, Alone, Beard, Beards, Bench, Benches, Bored, Boredom, Care, Careful, Caucasian, Caucasians, Chill, Chillout, Clothes, Color, Colour, Comfort, Comfortable70119071 - rs, 30-40 years, Adult, Adults, Affection, Age, Amusement, At, Beard, Beards, Beverage, Beverages, Bond, Bonding, Bonds, Care, Careful, Caucasian, Caucasians, Chill, Chillout, Clothes, Color, Colour70119070 - rs, 30-40 years, Adult, Adults, Affection, Age, At, Beard, Beards, Beverage, Beverages, Bond, Bonding, Bonds, Care, Carefree, Careful, Caucasian, Caucasians, Chill, Chillout, Clothes, Cold drink, Cold70118829 - rs, 30-40 years, Adult, Adults, Bare, Beauty, Beauty Care, Caucasian, Caucasians, Chill out, Chilling out, Closed eyes, Color, Colour, Contemporary, Full-body, Full-length, Generation X, Horizontal, H70202213 - s, Bare, Beauty, Beauty Care, Carnal, Carnality, Caucasian, Caucasians, Clipping path, Color, Colour, Contemporary, Dark-haired, Exercise, Exercises, Fragile, Fragility, Full-body, Full-length, Genera70178770 - Beauty Care, Body care, Caucasian, Caucasians, Color, Colour, Contemporary, Dark-haired, Facial expression, Facial expressions, Facial mask, Facial masks, Generation X, Human, Hygiene, Indoor, Indoors70119129 - 25-30 years, 30 to 35 years, 30 to 40 years, 30-35 years, 30-40 years, Adult, Adults, Babies, Baby, Care, Caucasian, Caucasians, Child, Children, Color, Colour, Contemporary, Education, Exercise, Exer70119075 - rs, 30-40 years, Adult, Adults, Affection, Age, Beard, Beards, Bond, Bonding, Bonds, Care, Careful, Caucasian, Caucasians, Chill, Chillout, Clothes, Color, Colour, Comfort, Comfortable, Complicity, Co70119067 - rs, 30-40 years, Adult, Adults, Affection, Age, At, Beard, Beards, Bond, Bonding, Bonds, Care, Careful, Caucasian, Caucasians, Chill, Chillout, Closed eyes, Clothes, Color, Colour, Comfort, Comfortabl70118827 - rs, 30-40 years, Adult, Adults, Bare, Beauty, Beauty Care, Caucasian, Caucasians, Color, Colour, Contemporary, Generation X, Horizontal, Human, Indoor, Indoors, Inside, Interior, Knees-up, Lean, Leaninächste Seite