71476655 - Juwelen-Zackenbarsch, Cephalopholis miniata, Nord Male Atoll, Indischer Ozean, Malediven71476687 - Zackenbarsche im Korallenriff, Epinephelus sp., Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesien71476638 - Juwelen-Zackenbarsch, Cephalopholis miniata, Nord Male Atoll, Indischer Ozean, Malediven 71476637 - Juwelen-Zackenbarsch, Cephalopholis miniata, Nord Male Atoll, Indischer Ozean, Malediven 70128245 - Juwelenbarsch im Korallenriff, Cephalopholis miniata, Sudan, Afrika, Rotes Meer70078447 - Maskenfalterfisch, Mondsichel-Falterfisch, Juwelenbarsch, Chaetodon semilarvatus, Cephalopholis miniata, Ägypten, Aegypten, Afrika, Sinai, Sharm el Sheik, Rotes Meer70058052 - Juwelenbarsch, Cephalopholis miniata, Ägypten, Aegypten, Zabargad, Zabarghad, Rotes Meer70058005 - Sattel-Forellenbarsch inmitten von Fünfstreifen-Schnapper, Plectropomus laevis, Lutjanus quinquelineatus, Malediven, Indischer Ozean, Ari Atoll70078446 - Juwelenbarsch, Cephalopholis miniata, Ägypten, Aegypten, Afrika, Rotes Meer70128246 - Juwelenbarsch im Korallenriff, Cephalopholis miniata, Sudan, Afrika, Rotes Meer70078445 - Juwelenbarsch, Cephalopholis miniata, Ägypten, Aegypten, Afrika, Rotes Meer71059354 - Diving with a Grouper, Palau, Micronesia70520500 - 'Cleaner wrasse (Labroides dimidiatus); Mabul Island, Malaysia'71126486 - Peacock Grouper Cephalopholis argus surrounded by coral that was photographed while scuba diving the Kona coast, Kona, Island of Hawaii, Hawaii, United States of America71228630 - Black Grouper (Mycteroperca bonaci) swimming over reef, Jardines de la Reina National Park, Cuba71228629 - Black Grouper (Mycteroperca bonaci) being cleaned by wrasse over coral reef, Jardines de la Reina National Park, Cuba71228632 - Black Grouper (Mycteroperca bonaci), Jardines de la Reina National Park, Cuba71093966 - Downtown Burj Dubai in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Aquarium in Dubai Mall - world's largest shopping mall. People enjoying the beautiful view.