70044498 - Woman cooking, Indianisches Longhouse, Fort Sainte Marie among the Hurons, Midland, Ontario, Kanada70031196 - Homeless, living boxes in Tokyo-Shibuya, Japan, Homeless community on a car park roof in Shibuya, woman cooking in her self made shelter, architecture of cardboard boxes, blue fabric sheets Obdachlose, notdürftige Schutzbauten, Pappkarton-Architektur, Pla70031381 - Homeless, living boxes in Tokyo, Japan, Homeless community in Ueno Park couple in basic plastic tent cooking hot dinner Obdachlose, notdürftige Schutzbauten, Pappkarton-Architektur, Plastikplanen, Slum, Obdachlosigkeit, Randgruppe, Astronomical high rents70318190 - Adult, Adults, Apron, Aprons, Asia, asian, Asian ethnicity, asians, Bowl, Bowls, Chef, Chefs, China, cities, city, Color, Colour, Cook, Cooking, Cooks, Cuisine, Daytime, Eat, Eating, Ethnic, Ethnicity, exterior, Food, Full body, Full length, Full-body, Fu