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70507892 - Frau am Strand stehend, ausgestreckte Arme, Silhouette
14134689 - Christus-Erlöser-Statue auf dem Berg Corcovado; Rio De Janeiro, Brasilien
13887293 - Ein Tourist posiert für ein Foto mit erhobenen Armen; Peking China
13986363 - Küstenseeschwalbe (Sterna paradisaea) auf einem Barsch im Gletschereis, Spitzbergen, Svalbard, Norwegen
13716302 - Kinder beim Skifahren
13884790 - Große Flamingos (Phoenicopterus roseus) in freier Wildbahn, in der Luft vor blauem Himmel im Parc Naturel Regional de Camargue; Camargue, Frankreich
13711174 - Person an der Felsenküste bei Sonnenuntergang
13884789 - Zwei Große Flamingos (Phoenicopterus roseus), fliegend in der Luft vor blauem Himmel im Parc Naturel Regional de Camargue; Camargue, Frankreich
13725648 - Wanderin in den Bergen
13720112 - Klippen am Meer
13882229 - Marabu-Störche (Leptoptilos crumeniferus) auf einer Baumkrone stehend, ein Storch streckt seine Flügel aus im Serengeti-Nationalpark; Tansania
13717986 - Frau am See
13717397 - Menschenmenge bei Konzert
13717075 - Mann springt bei Sonnenuntergang ins Wasser
13711744 - Mann macht Yoga
13715360 - Teenager-Mädchen benutzen Draisine
13714619 - Junge, der in den Schnee springt
71080415 - Silhouette of backlit flyboarder diving vertically with arms stretched out, Torba, Mugla Province, Turkey
70507440 - Man's hands on pregnant woman's stomach
71111498 - Mother and son relaxing in hammock together
71111496 - Mother and son relaxing in hammock together
71111462 - Boy relaxing on bed
71110011 - Young man daydreaming
70508821 - Woman wearing bikini, lying on back in square structure near lake
70508627 - Mother and young son lying on the ground together
70508533 - Baby lying on stomach, looking at camera, portrait
70508415 - Baby lying on back, holding adult's finger
70508290 - Couple lying in bed, laughing
70508020 - Frau im Bett, hält Kissen an beide Seiten des Kopfes und schaut in die Kamera
70507641 - Boy lying on the ground, looking down at handful of sand
70507485 - Doctor with hand on sleeping child's head, smiling
70507412 - Child lying in bed with father's hand on forehead
70507379 - Frau am Rande eines Pools, Nahaufnahme der Hüfte
70507294 - Mature couple lying on beach, front view
70507261 - Family relaxing in hammock
70507183 - Young man in hammock, looking at camera
70507114 - Young women in grass
70506831 - Young couple, man reclining on bench while woman puts arms around him from behind
70508944 - Couple lying by edge of pool
70508716 - Boy lying in grass, looking through magnifying glass at flower
70508633 - Father and daughter relaxing together in hammock, both laughing
70508293 - Couple lying in bed, close-up of faces
70508115 - Baby touching toes, cropped view
70507937 - Woman lying on man's back, eyes closed, close up
70507842 - Woman lying down, smiling
70507616 - Woman reclining next to burning candles, head resting on arms, eyes closed
70507458 - Woman relaxing on hammock, close-up
70507182 - Young man lying in hammock
70507140 - Man with sprig of weed in mouth, close-up
70506891 - Man lying on grass with hands behind head and eyes closed, sprig of grass in mouth
70508829 - Woman reclining on lounge chair next to pool, sleeping with book on chest, cropped view
70508300 - Young couple lounging outdoors
70508053 - Woman's hand holding thermometer, boy in bed
70508016 - Young man lying on grass with eyes closed and piece of grass in mouth
70507935 - Couple lying together in bed, close-up
70507931 - Woman lying in bed.
70507840 - Woman lying on bed
70507489 - Child holding toy stethoscope to teddy bear, talking to man
70507456 - Teenage girl wearing bathing suit, sitting in lounge chair, smelling celery stalk
70506844 - Woman lying on piece of wood, holding apple, looking at camera
70506829 - Young couple lying in hammock, using digital camera
70506225 - Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) lying in sun, Canada
71111530 - Man relaxing in hammock, portrait
71111528 - Man napping in hammock
71111527 - Man relaxing in hammock
70508922 - Couple lying in bed talking to each other
70508921 - Couple lying in bed, man touching woman's hand
70508785 - Man lying on beach
70508694 - Man lying down
70508525 - Young couple lying together on lawn, portrait
70508376 - Children on playground equipment, smiling at camera
70508292 - Woman lying on man's back
70507936 - Couple lying next to each other, smiling, close-up
70507843 - Woman lying down, close-up
70507663 - Boy lying on the ground holding starfish in front of face, looking at camera, viewed from surface level
70507620 - Woman resting head on arms, eyes closed, incense burning in foreground
70507602 - Baby sleeping in arm chair with teddy bear, portrait
70507577 - Mature businessman lying on ground outdoors, hands behind head, full length
70507576 - Mature businessman lying on ground outdoors, hands behind head
70507547 - Boy and grandfather on beach
70507488 - Child holding toy stethoscope to teddy bear, doctor feeling child's forehead
70506937 - Man napping on meadow, close-up
70506828 - Young couple lying in hammock, using digital camera
70506823 - Woman resting in hammock, waist up
70506809 - Mother and son, boy lying on top of woman, laughing, lying on grass, high angle view
71111531 - Man relaxing in hammock, portrait
70508920 - Couple lying in bed talking
70508806 - Teenage girl lying in grass, touching face, looking at camera
70508745 - Man sleeping with book on chest, close-up
70508693 - Man resting head on arm
70508632 - Young brother and sister lying in hammock together
70508528 - Young couple lying on ground, woman resting head on man's chest, looking at camera
70508527 - Young couple lying on grass, looking at camera, close-up
70508291 - Couple lying in bed
70507934 - Couple reclining, holding hands
70507847 - Couple lying face to face, close-up
70507603 - Baby sleeping in arm chair, portrait
70507600 - Teen girl reading book while sweater neck covers mouth
70507546 - Boy and grandfather on beach
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