Dominant male proboscis monkey has a pendulous nose that covers the mouth, said to be sexually attractive to females possibly because it enhances vocalisations  Like any dominant male must be constantly on the lookout for challenges from younger males in

Dominant male proboscis monkey has a pendulous nose that covers the mouth, said to be sexually attractive to females possibly because it enhances vocalisations Like any dominant male must be constantly on the lookout for challenges from younger males in

Bildnummer: 70448064
Lizenzart: Lizenzpflichtig
Fotograf: © lookphotos / age fotostock
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Druckgröße: ca. 28,91 × 43,32 cm bei 300dpi
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Dominant male proboscis monkey has a pendulous nose that covers the mouth, said to be sexually attractive to females possibly because it enhances vocalisations  Like any dominant male must be constantly on the lookout for challenges from younger males in Female proboscis monkey  These leaf eating monkeys are endemic to Borneo Adult female proboscis monkey with new born baby  New babies have dark faces with a distinctive blue tinge for their early days  Endangered monkey endemic to Borneo Female proboscis monkey  These leaf eating monkeys are endemic to Borneo Dominant male proboscis monkey has a pendulous nose that covers the mouth, said to be sexually attractive to females possibly because it enhances vocalisations  Like any dominant male must be constantly on the lookout for challenges from younger males in Male proboscis monkey has a pendulous nose that covers the mouth, said to be sexually attractive to females possibly because it enhances vocalisations  Like any dominant male must be constantly on the lookout for challenges from younger males in the bache


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