Aleppo, Syria - January, 2008: The vibrant Aleppo Souk bazaar, dates back to the 13th century and is the heart of the city of Aleppo, which is one of the oldest cities in the world, at roughly 8000 years.

Aleppo, Syria - January, 2008: The vibrant Aleppo Souk bazaar, dates back to the 13th century and is the heart of the city of Aleppo, which is one of the oldest cities in the world, at roughly 8000 years.

Bildnummer: 70502646
Lizenzart: Lizenzfrei
Fotograf: © lookphotos / Cavan Images
Aufnahmedatum: 15.01.2008
Verfügbarkeit: clearance required for commercial uses
Modell-Rechte: Derzeit liegt noch kein Release vor. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns vor Verwendung.

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