'The Mural de la Prehistoria Prehistoric Mural, in the Vinales Valley, in the Pinar del Rio Province of Cuba. Painted by artist Leovigildo Gonzalez Morillo, this massive mural lacks the style and weight of the works of his mentor, Diego Rivera. The Vinale

'The Mural de la Prehistoria Prehistoric Mural, in the Vinales Valley, in the Pinar del Rio Province of Cuba. Painted by artist Leovigildo Gonzalez Morillo, this massive mural lacks the style and weight of the works of his mentor, Diego Rivera. The Vinale

Bildnummer: 70502589
Lizenzart: Lizenzfrei
Fotograf: © lookphotos / Cavan Images
Aufnahmedatum: 10.03.2008
Verfügbarkeit: clearance required for commercial uses

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Bildkategorien Farbbild Groß Horizontal Kuba Malerei Niemand Pinar del Rio Reise Reise Um Die Welt Unesco UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe Urlaub Wandgemälde Wandmalerei

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