71423326 - Ein Dollarstrauch zwischen dem Sand der Namib Wüste in bei Swakopmund, Namibia, Afrika70047336 - Weiß-gelbe Pflaenzchen auf einem Felsen, Schweizer Mannsschild Androsea helvetica, . Valetta, Cluozza, Schweizer Nationalpark, Engadin, Graubuenden, Graubünden, Schweiz, Alpen70047341 - Gelbe Blume auf Geröllfeld, Raehtischer Mohn, Gelber Alpenmohn, Papaver rhaeticum, Papaver aurantiacum, Val Sassa, Schweizer Nationalpark, Engadin, Graubuenden, Graubünden, Schweiz, Alpen70047340 - Gelbe Blume auf Geröllfeld, Raehtischer Mohn, Gelber Alpenmohn, Papaver rhaeticum, Papaver aurantiacum, Val Sassa, Schweizer Nationalpark, Engadin, Graubuenden, Graubünden, Schweiz, Alpen71197663 - Leuchtturm von Cap Blanc Erbaut im Jahr 1862. Llucmajor, Mallorca, Balearische Inseln, Spanien, Europa71197660 - Naturgebiet von besonderem Interesse (ANEI) zwischen Cap Salines und Cala Marmols, Santanyi, Mallorca, Balearen, Spanien, Europa70472747 - Antibiotic drugs being tested to see how resistant they are to bacteria70310964 - Ladybird beetles on crocus Coccinella septempunctata A pair of Seven spot Ladybird beetles explore the denizens of crocus in a spring garden One is inside a crocus and the other is climbing a leaf blade70359499 - Rugby scrum70310963 - Seven spot ladybird walks the rim of crocus petal Coccinella septempunctata The beetle has raindrops glistening on her back from an overnight rainfall Yellow crocus of early spring The beetles just came out of hibernation under the crocus Crocus has70170632 - Northern red oak (Quercus rubra) Frosted autumn leaves70170611 - Weathered boulders and pebbles along Lake Huron shore. Killarney. Ontario70310972 - White crocus highlighted by sunlight70225479 - Lichen colonies on granite outcrop70170634 - Morning frost on alpine garden plants70170633 - Hair Cap Moss (Polytrichium Commune) with crust of early winter snow70170618 - Sandstone hoodoos with fall cottonwoods in Milk River Valley. Writing On Stone Provincial Park. Alberta70047339 - Gelbe Blume auf Geröllfeld, Raehtischer Mohn, Gelber Alpenmohn, Papaver rhaeticum, Papaver aurantiacum, Val Sassa, Schweizer Nationalpark, Engadin, Graubuenden, Graubünden, Schweiz, Alpen70472746 - Antibiotic drugs being tested to see how resistant they are to bacteria70310962 - Yellow or gold crocus, a hardy spring bloom which appears at close of winter to brighten the weary world Crocus with grass like leaves in garden Crocus came into Europe through Constantinople in early 71th century, but were bred in ancient Europe in70170635 - High bush cranberry (Viburnum trilobum)- Berries with a coating of freezing rain ice70472745 - Antibiotic drugs being tested to see how resistant they are to bacteria70170631 - Frosted aster leaves