Tiers of guest floors are part of the spectacular and luxurious interior of the Burj al Arab Arabian Tower, the world's tallest  hotel at 321 meters, on the beach along the Persian Gulf, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.  A super luxury hotel, the Burj al Arab

Tiers of guest floors are part of the spectacular and luxurious interior of the Burj al Arab Arabian Tower, the world's tallest hotel at 321 meters, on the beach along the Persian Gulf, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. A super luxury hotel, the Burj al Arab

Bildnummer: 70501816
Lizenzart: Lizenzfrei
Fotograf: © lookphotos / Cavan Images
Aufnahmedatum: 10.04.2006
Verfügbarkeit: clearance required for commercial uses

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Bildkategorien Burj Al Arab Dubai fünf Sterne Hotel Luxus Mittlerer Osten Naher Osten Persischer Golf Reise Reise Um Die Welt Tourist Urlaub Vereinigte Arabische Emirate

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