Views of the Anglican Christ Church Cathedral the southernmost cathedral in the world in Stanley, the capital and only true city in the Falkland Islands, South Atlantic Ocean  MORE INFO Stanley is located on the isle of East Falkland, on a north-facing sl

Views of the Anglican Christ Church Cathedral the southernmost cathedral in the world in Stanley, the capital and only true city in the Falkland Islands, South Atlantic Ocean MORE INFO Stanley is located on the isle of East Falkland, on a north-facing sl

Bildnummer: 70390504
Lizenzart: Lizenzpflichtig
Fotograf: © lookphotos / age fotostock
Aufnahmedatum: 01.03.2010
Rechte: Exklusivrechte auf Anfrage verfügbar
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Druckgröße: ca. 43,35 × 28,9 cm bei 300dpi
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